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  2. D Bnonn Tennant

D Bnonn Tennant

D Bnonn Tennant is known in the boroughs as Information Highwayman—the dashing & debonair copywriting ace and attention-thief for hire. When he isn’t producing wallet-pilfering content or cleaning up at Texas Hold'em, he’s watching something starring Nathan Fillion or writing irregular articles on how to sell in print. If you want more secrets from the direct response industry for presenting content to maximize conversions, check out his free special report: How to get more conversions with your existing web copy.

Layouts / 15 Sep 2010

Are You Using These Two Simple Elements to Ramp Up Conversion Rates?

There are two things you can add to just about any site to increase readership: drop caps and hero shots. These aren’t anything new, and they’re by no means “secrets”. But a lot of designers don’t realize that they’re used for more than just aesthetic reasons. Today I’m going to explain why they work—and show you to best implement them.

Just before I dive in, a word of warning. Using these elements will increase readership rates. That is, more people will read your copy. But if your copy is poor, using drop caps and hero shots will also decrease response rates. So you need to have strong copy to use these elements effectively. Otherwise you’ll actually get fewer conversions. You can check out my previous article here at Design Shack for a quick-start guide to spotting and writing persuasive copy.

Business / 9 Aug 2010

How Persuasive Is Your Website’s Copy? a Simple, Five-Step Checklist

As a web designer, you’re probably accustomed to obsessing over the layout and visual appearance of your designs. And if you’re like most, a site’s content is something you’d rather not worry about. But being able to identify weak web copy allows you to offer greater value to your client. By spotting major problems and helping him to solve them, you can position yourself as an expert who works with him…rather than as a labourer who works for him.

And if you know some basic principles for identifying and fixing weak copy, you not only increase your value to your clients—you increase your chances of getting them. Your own website will have stronger copy; more likely to persuade prospects to hire you.