Curled US Flyer Mockup

A single one-page flyer, set in a “floating” scenario, as though it’s being dropped onto a table. It’s curled at the edges, giving a feel of depth and movement.
It’s easy to add your own design to the flyer, and it’s a high-resolution file suitable for printing.
Although it’s only one page, it’s a simple and clean way to show an A4 or A5 flyer design.
How to Use This Mockup
This flyer mockup is provided as a PSD with a smart layer. All you need to do is:
- Download the PSD
- Open it in Photoshop
- Double-click the Smart Layer
- Paste in your screenshot, and Save
You should then have the perfect mockup for your next project, ready to export as a compressed JPEG or PNG and use as you need to!