Facebook Carousel Ad Mockup

Facebook Carousel Ad Mockup
First alternate image for Facebook Carousel Ad Mockup
Second alternate image for Facebook Carousel Ad Mockup
We love how it caters for a multitude of scenarios - be it digital, portfolio showcase, or print purposes.

The Facebook Carousel Ad Mockup is an indispensable tool for digital marketing teams and designers who are keen to leverage social media platforms effectively. It offers an array of exciting mockup templates for Facebook and is an essential must-have for those seeking to enhance their online presence through visually appealing banners and ads.

At its core, the Facebook Carousel Ad Mockup is designed to be a practical, yet creative, solution for your social media design needs. The mockup set comes with five PSD files, each providing a unique arrangement and perspective angle to cater to varied aesthetic preferences. From Instagram posts to portfolio embellishments on personal websites or Behance and Dribbble projects, this bundle is impressively versatile.

Moreover, the high-resolution mockups hold strong potential for print purposes as well, expanding its usability beyond online platforms. Whether you intend to adopt these mockups for digital posts, portfolio showcases, or high-quality print projects, the fidelity of 6000×4000 px resolution ensures a crisp and professional presentation every time.

Details & Features

  • Resolution: 6000×4000 px
  • 5 PSD Mockups
  • Smart Object for easy customization
  • Well organized and named layers
  • RGB Colors with fully customizable layers
  • Standard social media banner dimensions
  • Easily change colors
  • Clay texture details
  • Separated shadows
  • Professional perspectives

Why We Like It

The Facebook Carousel Ad Mockup ranks highly in our recommendation list for its practicality, versatility, and high resolution. We love how it caters for a multitude of scenarios - be it digital, portfolio showcase, or print purposes. Its organized layers and easy customization also make it a user-friendly option for both seasoned and novice designers.