Geometric 117 Tileable Backgrounds

Geometric 117 Tileable Backgrounds
With varying textures and color schemes, there’s something to suit every project, every visual.

The Geometric 117 Tileable Backgrounds pack is a comprehensive collection of over 100 geometric background textures, perfect for dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's of your digital designs. With 13 unique textures offered in nine different color schemes, the versatility that you can inject into your visual projects is practically boundless. Whether you're designing a new website, crafting an advert, or putting together presentation materials, these backgrounds may add the perfect touch.

This bundle offers a total of 117 abstract pattern backgrounds, each one carrying its unique mix of visual appeal and geometric precision. With each one designed to be fully tileable, you can combine them in whatever way you like to create larger designs. Moreover, they are also perfectly suited for a wide variety of settings including website headers, Youtube banners, and social media ads.

Also highly utile as mobile and desktop wallpapers, the Geometric 117 Tileable Backgrounds bundle can also be woven into larger design compositions with ease. Promising pixel dimensions of 2805x2794 and an image resolution of 300 dpi, the quality of every background image in this pack is as exceptional as its design is mesmerizing.

Details & Features

  • 117 unique, jpg backgrounds.
  • 13 unique textures in 9 varying color schemes.
  • Abstract pattern designs.
  • Fully tileable for ease of use in larger designs.
  • Packed with pixel dimensions of 2805x2794 for exceptional clarity.
  • A high-resolution of 300 dpi ensures superior image quality.
  • Perfect for use in a wide array of settings from social media ads to wallpapers.

Why We Like It

We love the Geometric 117 Tileable Backgrounds pack not just for its sleek design and abstract geometric patterns, but also for its versatility. With varying textures and color schemes, there’s something to suit every project, every visual. More than anything, its promise of exceptional clarity and superior quality makes it a must-have for project designers seeking visual enhancements.