Hipster Poster & Clipboard Mockup

Let’s get hipster! This is a poster-in-the-works, on a clipboard, which is the perfect way to show your design in a realistic setting. It has a vintage feel, with some old-fashioned tape also fitting into the scene.
Not quite a clean, crisp contemporary “poster on a wall” setting, but something completely different for a more natural feel.
Every poster starts somewhere, and this is a great way to illustrate a poster design in a less formal setting.
How to Use This Mockup
This poster and clipboard mockup is provided as a PSD with a smart layer. All you need to do is:
- Download the PSD
- Open it in Photoshop
- Double-click the Smart Layer
- Paste in your screenshot, and Save
You should then have the perfect mockup for your next project, ready to export as a compressed JPEG or PNG and use as you need to!