And the Winner Is…

Once again, thank you to everyone who entered our competition and filled out the survey. We have randomly selected a winner and the proud recipient of a new CSSEdit 2.6 copy is Domantas Jankauskas. Congratulations!

If you are interested in the outcome of the survey, please feel free to read on. We’ll be discussing some of your responses and how Design Shack has changed as a result.

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Number of designs per day

How often designs are updated

There was a huge consensus that a small number of quality designs are preferred over quantity. With this in mind, we plan to continue showcasing only a select few CSS designs each day (our entry requirements may become even tighter!) Many of you expressed the fact that you like how designs are organised by colour and layout, and we have started to integrate that information underneath each design on the homepage and gallery as well.

What time to add designs

When designs will be added

As you can see, there is more of a split for this question. As a result, we are changing from offering one gallery update per day, to two – both one in the morning and one in the afternoon / evening (obviously varying depending upon where you live!).

Anything else?

Here are a few comments which we particularly enjoyed from the survey:

  • Stop posting “10 best xxx”,”20 great xxx” or similar. It’s boring. You’re not Digg. I’m mean. But I mean what I said. We hear you – mainly original content from now on!
  • The most important thing? Good quality and good taste of tutorial material and showcased designs.
  • I don’t like that it’s! We do own but have yet to get around to moving over. It’s trickier than you’d think!
  • Design Shack is for everybody. From beginners to advanced designers. But always a step ahead in design trends – that’s the coolest thing – the vision :)
  • I don’t believe you when you say “be mean” , soooo I love Design Shack!

Future surveys

We have a couple more questions which we’d love to ask you, relating to the possibility of a combined links post and the idea of integrating both our RSS feeds into one. But those are for another day!