Introducing Our New Editor
I mentioned a few days ago that we have taken on board a new site editor for Design Shack, and I’m pleased to introduce him to you today! Joshua Johnson will be taking charge of the news and tutorials published on the site, and it should lead to some fantastic new content.
Read on to find out a little more about our awesome new editor!
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Put simply, I’m a creative. I know “creative” is typically an adjective but I’m using it as a noun because it conveniently envelopes everything I do (and it sounds a lot better than “nerd”). The long version would be be something like freelance graphic designer/web designer/writer/photographer/programmer/3D modeler. Some of these things I’ve been doing for years, others I’ve picked up recently. If you’re interested, here’s a small sample of my work.
Despite all that creative stuff, I actually just graduated from Arizona State University with a B.S. in Global Business. I currently reside in Phoenix, Arizona with my amazing wife Kelley. Feel free to drop me a line on Twitter to say hi or to make an inquiry regarding freelance work. I’ll be posting some really useful tutorials on Design Shack and I greatly look forward to hearing your feedback. See you in the comments!
I’m really excited about the direction Design Shack is moving in, and hope you’ll enjoy all the new developments we have planned!