Serpstack: Search Result Data Made Easy

Collecting real-time and accurate search results just got a whole lot easier with the serpstack API. The lightning-fast JSON REST API pulls search data.

serpstack was built by parent company apilayer out of an in-house need to keep track of search engine positioning with ease. That grew into what is one of the most trusted SERP APIs on the market.

Here’s a look at the tool and how you can make it work for you?

What Is serpstack?

serp api

serpstack is an API service that creates an automated method of gathering targeted search result data. Collection uses a powerful proxy network combined with proprietary and scalable web scraping with CAPTCHA solving technology.

While all the technical details are interesting, the important part is function. The API supports almost every type of search result returned by Google — web results, image results, video results, news results, shopping results, sponsored ads, questions, and more. The API retrieves SERP data, which is publicly available, in an automated fashion whenever API requests are made.

serpstack is a REST API and is scalable, so any website from a simple blog to a major enterprise can benefit from using it.

The API is used by companies all over the world. serpstack is built and maintained by apilayer, the company behind some of the most popular developer tools, SaaS products, and APIs currently on the market — including ipstack, eversign, invoicely and more, making it a tool you can trust.

Who Should Use It?

You might be wondering how a SEPR API can benefit your website or business. The simple answer is that it is part of a strong overall SEO strategy.

Keeping track of this data helps you understand changes over time. Here’s how serpstack describes it:

“Rankings fluctuate significantly and search keywords become more or less applicable and valuable in the course of time — the only way of staying on top of these changes is to use a pre-built Software-as-a-Service solution or implement SERP data directly into your own applications or websites using a SERP API like serpstack.”

So while implementation might happen on the web designer/developer side, the implications for marketing with this tool are immense. The data can provide a lot of value to a company or website owner of any size.

Key Features

The strongest selling point of serpstack might be a powerful infrastructure behind it. The API can handle anything from a few searches per month to millions per day.

The API includes full search engine coverage as well, scraping the web, images, videos, news, and shopping.

Other key features include:

  • Queueless infrastructure can handle high volume of data
  • Full-page scraping that consists of elements including ads, maps, answers, and more
  • Ability to customize search queries based on location, language, device type, and more
  • Powerful proxy network so you don’t have to think about global IPs, browser clusters, or CAPTCHAs
  • Scraping happens in real-time
  • It scrapes pages using mobile, tablet, and desktop devices
  • Simple integration that most people can get p in just a few minutes
  • Bank level security with 256-bit SSL encryption
  • Easy to use REST API in JSON or CSV that works with any programing language
  • Super-fast speeds with API requests that are processed in milliseconds
  • Plenty of documentation to help you make the most of the tool
  • Top-notch support


serpstack is free to use for up to 100 searches per month. That pricing never changes and provides an ideal opportunity to see how the tool works.

serpstack also offers paid plans for heavier volume users.

  • Basic ($29.99 per month): Includes 5,000 searches per month with global locations, Google search API, a proxy network, search types, returns JSON CSV results with no rate limits, HTTPS encryption, and premium support.
  • Business ($99.99 per month): Includes 20,000 searches per month with global locations, Google search API, a proxy network, search types, returns JSON CSV results with no rate limits, HTTPS encryption, and premium support.
  • Business Pro ($199.99 per month): Includes 50,000 searches per month with global locations, Google search API, a proxy network, search types, returns JSON CSV results with no rate limits, HTTPS encryption, and premium support.

Need more? serpstack offers custom pricing for enterprise-level clients as well. Contact them directly to learn more.

The company also offers discounts for yearly versus monthly billing. (You can save up to 20 percent.)


serpstack is a powerful tool that can help you collect SERP data with ease. It’s easy to install and free to start using. You’ll wonder why you didn’t make this part of your overall strategy sooner.

So why not give it a try? There’s plenty of documentation to help you get started and figure out what makes this the top solution for all of your SERP data needs. Try it today.