Union Made Classic Font

Union Made Classic Font
First alternate image for Union Made Classic Font
Second alternate image for Union Made Classic Font
Its vintage charm breathes character into a brand while its modern adaptation ensures versatility.

The Union Made Classic Font is a vintage-inspired branding tool that provides a seamless blend of antiquity and modern design sophistication. Its timeless shapes capture the essence of bygone eras yet adapt perfectly to current visual trends, making it a versatile asset for various aesthetic presentations and branding efforts.

Included when you purchase Union Made are file types like OTF, TTF, WOFF, and WOFF2, catering to your varied font format compatibility needs. This ensures that whichever platform you wish to use for your design work, Union Made would be ready, capable, and effective. You'll find no roadblocks to your creativity with this font at your disposal.

Its features encompass more than just aesthetics, ensuring that functionality is not compromised in pursuit of visual excellence. Union Made presents uppercase-only letters, a wide array of punctuation and numbers, and multilingual support, covering languages like ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝ.

Details & Features

  • True vintage branding classic
  • Timeless shapes
  • Multiple file types: OTF, TTF, WOFF, WOFF2
  • Uppercase only
  • Punctuation and numbers included

Why We Like It

The Union Made Classic Font hits all the right notes for us. Its vintage charm breathes character into a brand while its modern adaptation ensures versatility. Coupled with its extensive functionality and multilingual support, it is an asset that streamlines creatives' work and amplifies visual storytelling.