Freelancing - Page 5

Advice and tips on how to run your freelance business, work with clients, and better market your products and services.

Freelancing 101: How to Help People Understand Your Job

Freelancing / 3 Mar 2015

Freelancing 101: How to Help People Understand Your Job

Just because you have a “home office”, it doesn’t mean you’re really working. How often have you gotten this response from friends or family? They just don’t always seem to get the life of a freelancer…

The hours are different for freelancers. The workplace may not look like an office at all, and can sometimes be the kitchen table. But that doesn’t mean you are not working. Chances are you are working exceptionally hard. Sometimes it just takes a little explaining to help everyone else better understand your job.

Freelancing 101: 10 Ways to Make Clients Look Good

Freelancing / 4 Feb 2015

Freelancing 101: 10 Ways to Make Clients Look Good

A good freelancer does more than just great work, he or she does work that makes every client look good. That simple idea is what will help you get, retain and grow a freelance business of any kind.

But how can you make a client look good? And why does it matter? Making your clients look good will help you create lasting relationships and trust. It can also help you increase your earning potential. Here, we’ll look at 10 ways you can help out clients and possibly grow your freelance business.

Freelancing 101: What Does It Cost to Be a Freelancer?

Freelancing / 9 Dec 2014

Freelancing 101: What Does It Cost to Be a Freelancer?

Working as a freelancer is not all cash profit. There are a lot of costs that are associated with working for yourself that you need to be aware of from the start. From one-time expenses to taxes and insurance, understanding how much freelancing can cost can be just as important as landing clients.

Costs associated with freelancing that impact almost every worker (regardless of location) include equipment and tools, taxes and insurance, marketing and promotion, legal and accounting, training and development and a few additional hidden costs. Today we’re going to be exploring some of the costs to watch out for, so you don’t find yourself facing an unpleasant surprise!

Freelancing 101: 10 Things People Forget to Tell You About Freelancing

Freelancing / 3 Dec 2014

Freelancing 101: 10 Things People Forget to Tell You About Freelancing

I have been freelancing for the last decade and there are plenty of days when the words “I quit” slipped through my lips. (Although I took it back pretty quickly.) Life as a freelancer isn’t just working from home and flexible schedules and being your own boss when things are easy. It is sticking with it when those things are tough too.

As a career choice, freelancing comes with plenty of ups and downs. It takes a certain personality to withstand those changes and find success. (Personally, I have found much more success the older I get; freelancing was no fun right out of college.) There’s a lot that I have learned along the way. Here are ten things people forget to tell you about freelancing!

Freelancing 101: When to Say ‘No’

Freelancing / 20 Oct 2014

Freelancing 101: When to Say ‘No’

Sometimes, you will find that the best answer as a freelancer is “no.” It’s not always the easiest thing to say, but it is necessary at times. There are going to be days or projects that just don’t work for you. But how do you know when to say no?

It can be a situational answer, and a project you turn down this week might be something you consider again in a year. What’s important is to find the balance in your schedule to take on projects that you feel good about, will derive a benefit from and can handle in the time allowed.

Freelancing 101: How to Collaborate When You Work Alone

Freelancing / 9 Sep 2014

Freelancing 101: How to Collaborate When You Work Alone

One of the biggest misconceptions of working as a freelancer is that it means working alone. It’s actually very much quite the opposite. How would you ever expect to do business if you don’t work with anyone?

The reality is the more people you work with, the more successful you are likely to be as a freelancer. And just like when working for a firm or agency, freelance designers should make a point to collaborate with others regularly. Here are 10 ways you can put your head together with other designers (or clients) to better get the job done.

Freelancing 101: How to Stay on Top of Trends

Freelancing / 11 Aug 2014

Freelancing 101: How to Stay on Top of Trends

One of the biggest challenges that comes with working from home is the loss of a day-to-day design trend network. Those informal chats about what’s happening in the design world and what’s new, emerging and different can be valuable time spent with coworkers. It can open your eyes to new things and ideas.

So how do you keep the fresh feeling to your design projects when you work alone? It can be easier than you think if you put forth just a little extra effort. Here are some tips for staying on top of trends when you don’t work in an office environment.