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Pick the Right Typefaces for Your Project

Typography / 26 Jan 2012

Pick the Right Typefaces for Your Project

Sometimes the most daunting part of a new project can be the brainstorming phase. Thinking of color schemes and font selections can be inspiring in your head, but really tough when you start mixing and matching elements on paper or for your website.

Understanding some of the history of fonts and typography can help make any project a little easier. Learn how to pair different typefaces to get desired effect every time and learn what things to avoid. Sharp typography and font selections can really make or break just about any project.

Addictive UX: Why Pinterest Is So Dang Amazing

Business / 25 Jan 2012

Addictive UX: Why Pinterest Is So Dang Amazing

Today we’re going to examine a very specific example of good design and discuss what makes it so successful. Along the way we’ll discover the importance of good design and how to structure experiences that turn users into addicts.

We’ll hone our sights in on Pinterest and perform a seriously in-depth analysis to see why this seemingly generic idea seems to stand so far out from the competition. The ultimate conclusions will equip you to design experiences that your users will absolute love.

Jumpstart Your Web Project With HTML KickStart

CSS / 24 Jan 2012

Jumpstart Your Web Project With HTML KickStart

Recently, we took a look at a really solid framework from the good folks at Twitter called Bootstrap. This toolkit is a swiss army knife of utilities and includes both a functional layout grid and enough pre-styled elements to get a great jumpstart on any project.

Today we’re going to look at a very similar tool from Joshua Gatcke called HTML KickStart. This framework is simply overflowing with great stuff that will enable you to build web page prototypes at light speed. Let’s jump in and build a page with it to see what we think.

Announcing Design Curate: Freebies and Resources for Designers

News / 24 Jan 2012

Announcing Design Curate: Freebies and Resources for Designers

We’re incredibly excited to let you know about a new project we’ve been working on for the past few months — Design Curate. While we love to share inspiration and articles here, we also wanted a place to offer some fantastic freebies and resources for designers.

Design Curate already has a growing collection of freebies — PSDs, WordPress themes, CSS/HTML snippets, and lots more! We’ll be adding new free resources every week, along with featuring a few commercial design goodies from time to time as well.

Read on to find out more about the new site, or just head over and take a look!

Nailing Browser Support in CSS3 and HTML5: Invaluable Resources to Use Today

CSS / 23 Jan 2012

Nailing Browser Support in CSS3 and HTML5: Invaluable Resources to Use Today

New technologies are making web development more exciting than ever before. HTML5 and CSS3 provide a double dose of modern practices that are absolutely refreshing and empowering. Unfortunately, utilizing these technologies can considerably complicate your quest for cross browser compatibility.

How can you know which techniques are safe to use now and which you should either provide alternatives to or avoid altogether? Join us as we take a look at a handful of our favorite resources that quickly and easily help you make informed decisions about real world HTML5 and CSS3 implementation.

Weekly Freebies: 6 Sophisticated and Free Didone Fonts

Freebies / 20 Jan 2012

Weekly Freebies: 6 Sophisticated and Free Didone Fonts

Didone typefaces (also known as Moderns) are a particularly classy type of font that is characterized by heavy contrast between the thick and thin portions (the vertical parts are thick) and typically very thin, unbracketed serifs. They’re a lot like slab serifs that want to be upscale and fancy.

This particular classification of typeface is one of the rarer breeds to find in the free font world so be sure to take all you can get. Today we’ve got a great little collection of six beautiful and free Didone fonts for you to download and enjoy.

Create Amazing CSS Buttons on the Fly With

CSS / 19 Jan 2012

Create Amazing CSS Buttons on the Fly With

Today we’re going to have some fun as we take a look at an awesome new free tool for web developers simply called CSS Button. This web app makes it quick and easy to make the CSS buttons of your dreams using simple and intuitive controls.

I’ve seen quite a few other CSS button makers before and almost none really merit repeated use, but this site has a lot going for it and can genuinely save you a lot of time and frustration. Let’s jump in and check it out!

Beating Borders: The Bane of Responsive Layout

CSS / 18 Jan 2012

Beating Borders: The Bane of Responsive Layout

Responsive design often requires setting your widths using percentages. This is easy enough to accomplish, that is until you start throwing borders into the mix. If your columns and total width are set using percentages, a static border size wreaks havoc on your layout.

Today we’re going to look at a couple of different ways to beat this problem. You’ll learn how to create a completely fluid layout that doesn’t mind extra borders or padding one bit.

New Logos for the Marlins, Orioles and Jays: Did They Get Better or Worse?

Graphics / 17 Jan 2012

New Logos for the Marlins, Orioles and Jays: Did They Get Better or Worse?

With a new year always comes new branding attempts. Organizations want a fresh face to signal progress and ongoing evolution and branding is the vehicle that designers use to achieve this goal.

As we all know quite well, this is a risky venture with large entities. If it goes well, your customers (or fans in this case) love you for it. If it doesn’t, you’re setting yourself up for plenty of public ridicule. Today we’re going to venture into the world of sports and check out three new Major League Baseball team logo designs. Which teams are updating their look for the new year? Were they successful or is the result a surefire embarrassment? Read on to find out!

Keep That New Year’s Resolution and Make the Leap From Print to Web Design

HTML / 16 Jan 2012

Keep That New Year’s Resolution and Make the Leap From Print to Web Design

You’ve been designing for print since college and have an eye for what makes visuals work. But the landscape has changed (and for some, might even look a little scary). So when the ball dropped at the start of 2012, your resolution was to learn a little more about the digital side of it all and make yourself that much more marketable.

Now is the time to get started. There are tons of resources out there to help print designers get their feet wet in coding, HTML and digital design. Because of the skills you already possess as a print designer, the transition might even be easier than you think. You already know how to use text, color and images, but need the skills to make it happen in the online format. With a little time and dedication, almost anyone can learn the basics with a few great (and free) tutorials right at your computer.

Weekly Freebies: 12 Fantastic, Fresh and Free Icon Sets

Freebies / 13 Jan 2012

Weekly Freebies: 12 Fantastic, Fresh and Free Icon Sets

It’s 2012 and time to refresh your stock of web design icons. Stop using the same old sets and add some new resources to the mix. Today we’ve got twelve awesome icons sets that are completely free to download and use.

No matter what type of project you’re working on, we’ve got your covered. From general purpose web design icons to social media and payment methods, these twelve sets cover an impressive range of potential uses.

When the Photo Doesn’t Fit the Space: Tips and Tricks for Making It Work

Graphics / 12 Jan 2012

When the Photo Doesn’t Fit the Space: Tips and Tricks for Making It Work

You’ve been there a thousand times, staring at a big empty canvas that simply doesn’t seem to work with the photo that the client has provided. Perhaps you have a vertical space and a horizontal photo (or vice versa), or maybe the image is simply too small to resize without unacceptable quality loss. What now?

Today we’ll go over some tricks of the trade and teach you how to cope with images that don’t fit where you need them to. The next time you run into a problem, you’ll be ready!