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Inspiring advice, tips, and suggestions for improving your graphic design skills, logo design, working with templates, and more.

10 Websites We’d Love to See Redesigned in 2025 (And Why)

Graphics / 16 Feb 2022

10 Websites We’d Love to See Redesigned in 2025 (And Why)

Different designers have different takes on what makes a great website. But, one thing we can all agree on is popularity never makes a website design great. We have proof.

Today we take a look at a few popular websites owned by well-known companies and brands. These websites receive millions of visitors every month. And they are well-known around the world. All these websites have one thing in common—they could all use a bit of a visual refresh!

Even though web design has come so far as an industry and has evolved with amazing new technologies, there are companies that still use outdated website designs.

We’re unsure whether these brands are afraid of change or simply don’t prioritise design as highly. Either way, we believe these websites need to be revamped for the better of their users. Keep reading to find out why.

Forms for the Win: 8 Types of Forms You Should Know How to Design

Graphics / 15 Feb 2022

Forms for the Win: 8 Types of Forms You Should Know How to Design

Form design can often be one of the most overlooked elements of a website. And it can be a fatal flaw.

Forms are the foundation for communicating with your audience, generating leads, making sales, creating great user interactions, and expanding your marketing reach.

Every designer should have a good idea of how to design these eight form types to help create the most meaningful experiences possible for your online audience.

Do You Need a Hero Image? Maybe Typography Is Enough

Graphics / 24 Jan 2022

Do You Need a Hero Image? Maybe Typography Is Enough

The go-to concept when it comes to the hero area of a website design is an image or video with text and a call to action. But not every design has high-quality visual elements to make this style of hero image work.

It begs the question: Do you even really need a hero image?

For some website projects, the answer is no. You can design a stellar hero area for a website with great typography and a few small details. Let’s take a look at how to do it and some examples that we simply love.

7 Tips for Using Background Textures in Web Design

Background Textures / 21 Jan 2022

7 Tips for Using Background Textures in Web Design

This is not your typical roundup of textures to use for website backgrounds. If you are looking for a specific texture, we have those here. But what if you want to create your own? Or find a way to customize a texture to fit your project? That’s what we’ll focus on today.

While there are many ways to use textures in web design, you’ll get a lot more mileage out of those backgrounds if you take a modern approach, and follow a few simple rules.

Here are seven tips to help you use background textures in web design well (all of which are in-line with the latest and greatest 2019 design patterns and trends).

10 T-Shirt Design Tips (For Shirts People Will Wear)

Graphics / 17 Dec 2021

10 T-Shirt Design Tips (For Shirts People Will Wear)

Designing a t-shirt that people will actually wear can be a design challenge of epic proportions. Let’s take a look at some tips for creating a t-shirt that won’t just get left in a drawer!

You have to create something that people connect with and want to wear. You have to deal with issues such as color and sizing (which aren’t really a concern for many other design projects). And even the style of apparel or brand can impact someone’s desire to wear your design.

Today, we’re breaking it all down with tips for creating a shirt design that people will want to wear (and maybe even buy in your e-commerce store!)

10 Tips for Designing a YouTube Video Title Slide

Graphics / 13 Dec 2021

10 Tips for Designing a YouTube Video Title Slide

The right YouTube thumbnail image can help draw people into your video and encourage views. But designing these title slides can get cumbersome over time.

You want to design a thumbnail that renders well at any size and is something that looks consistent but different, so that users recognize your content but also know that videos are new or different.

Here, we’ll look at 10 tips for designing a great YouTube/video thumbnail or title slide with some downloadable templates to help you get started!

10 Tips for Perfect Flyer Design

Flyer Templates / 27 Oct 2021

10 Tips for Perfect Flyer Design

If you aren’t a print project regular, designing the perfect flyer can be somewhat nerve-wracking. But it doesn’t have to be. With a solid content plan and a great designer (that’s you), crafting the perfect flyer that will entice and engage users is simple.

There’s a wonderful feeling to designing something, then having it printed and feeling it in your hands. This is one reason flyer design can be rewarding and a lot of fun.

We’re going to dive into ten tips that walk you through how to create the perfect flyer. From establishing goals, to considering factors like viewing distance and integrating branding.

What’s a Logo Grid, and Why Should You Use One?

How to Design a Logo / 22 Oct 2021

What’s a Logo Grid, and Why Should You Use One?

So you need to design a logo. Where do you start? Shapes? Typography? A grid?

A logo grid or construction guide is a popular starting point for many designers looking to create a logo. The use of a grid system, especially for a design that might often render at extreme sizes – very large or small – can help you create something that has visual harmony, an organized aesthetic and purposeful design.

Are you in the middle of a logo design project? Learn about logo grids, typography, logo types and more in our in-depth guide on how to design a logo!

7 Ways to Design for the Unexpected

Graphics / 11 Oct 2021

7 Ways to Design for the Unexpected

What just happened? Why doesn’t that work? Does this look funny to you?

These are all questions you don’t want users to ask when interacting with your website design. But inevitably, they will. The unexpected happens all the time online. From users changing settings on their devices to slow browsing speeds, your role is to expect these unexpected challenges and offer a design solution… before they happen!

From dark mode to people taking an unexpected path through your website or app, we’re exploring lots of unexpected scenarios so you can plan for them in advance!

What Is Universal Design? Everything You Need to Know

Business / 23 Sep 2021

What Is Universal Design? Everything You Need to Know

Universal Design is not new, but the conversations around it are reinvigorated in an effort to create more accessible and equitable design projects.

The concept isn’t specific to websites or printed creative work, it extends to every field of design.

Universal design is rooted in a set of core principles that – when used as a foundation for creative work – can help you design in a way that helps minimize the need for assistive technology and makes products more usable by everyone, not just people with disabilities.

The Design Anatomy of a Good Icon: 10 Tips

Graphics / 20 Sep 2021

The Design Anatomy of a Good Icon: 10 Tips

An icon is a picture, image, or representation of another thing. So if you are looking to create a great icon, it needs to have a visual presence that’s understandable.

There’s more to designing a great icon than just a quick visual element. You have to think about shape, color, usage, and even what device or operating system it might appear on.

Here, we have 10 tips to help you make the most of icon design.

45+ Best Minimal Logo Design Templates

Logo Templates / 3 Sep 2021

45+ Best Minimal Logo Design Templates

Minimalist logo design is an art. How can you convey your brand with a professional logo, but keep the simplicity of a minimal, clean, and simple design? Getting that balance right is the key to crafting an iconic logo.

One strategy is to try using a pre-designed minimal logo template to base your next logo mark or branding project on. Will it be as perfectly tailor-made as a high-end custom logo? Probably not. But it’s a great solution for getting your branding project started fast. To show you how amazing these logo templates can be, we picked some of the best minimalist logo designs from Envato Elements.

You can download any (or all) of these minimal logo templates to tweak, build upon, and use to design your own creative logo all by yourself. It’s a great, flexible way to experiment with your next logo project! If you think your company could use a beautiful minimal logo, this is a great place to start.

Are you in the middle of a logo design project? Don’t forget to check out our in-depth guide on how to design a logo! Or you can jump down this post to our specific minimal logo design tips for creating a simple, uncluttered logo.