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  2. Carrie Cousins

Carrie Cousins

Carrie Cousins

Carrie is a freelance writer with years of experience in web and graphic design. Sports fanatic. Information junkie. Designer. True-believer in karma.

Designing for the Interstitial Experience

Accessibility / 5 Jan 2015

Designing for the Interstitial Experience

Yes. Those little pop-ups matter, and are starting to matter more every day. Interstitial space – and content for it – is becoming an increasingly popular part of designing for the web. From ads, to forms, to bits of information, the interstitial experience is a vital part of the design process.

The dilemma for designers is to create something that users want to look at and not feel annoyed by. Here we’ll work to gain a better understanding of interstitial space and how you can work within it well.

This Week in Design: Jan. 2, 2015

This Week in Design / 2 Jan 2015

This Week in Design: Jan. 2, 2015

Happy New Year! As we roll into 2015, it only felt appropriate to tackle some new ideas, techniques and concepts this week in design. So what makes for a good user experience? How can you create better type? And what are some myths to get over this new year? Read on to find out.

Every week, we plan to a look at major product releases and upgrades, tools and tricks and even some of the most popular things you are talking about on social media. And we’d love to hear what’s going on in your world as well. Have we missed anything? Drop me a line at [email protected].

This Week in Design: Dec. 26, 2014

This Week in Design / 26 Dec 2014

This Week in Design: Dec. 26, 2014

With the new year comes plenty of new updates and design tools. This week in design as we bid farewell to 2014, we’ll look at some trending updates from Adobe and Bing. We’ll also look back at a few things that we loved in 2014, including some of the best-designed maps of the year.

Every week, we plan to a look at major product releases and upgrades, tools and tricks and even some of the most popular things you are talking about on social media. And we’d love to hear what’s going on in your world as well. Have we missed anything? Drop me a line at [email protected].

Designing Hover Styles and the Future of the Technique

Mobile / 24 Dec 2014

Designing Hover Styles and the Future of the Technique

Despite arguments that hover styles are dead, these small boxes that pop-up over images, text or other elements on websites are still found all over the web. Designers like them for an added bit of style and information; users like them for functionality. (They are only “dead” because hover styles don’t work without a mouse-over).

The UI function is still there for now. And if you opt to use it, you’ll want to create well-designed hover styles that engage users. You’ll also want to think about how to alter these areas of your website for responsive sites.

How to Balance Text and Visual Content in Design

Layouts / 22 Dec 2014

How to Balance Text and Visual Content in Design

We’ve all heard the phrase “sex sells” but when it comes to design, what does the selling? Text or images? The reality is that both are essential parts of almost every design project. What makes the difference between a project that works and one that falls short is striking the right balance between the two.

While visuals are often processed faster, text can provide greater understanding. Creating balance between text and visual content is a combination of understanding your project and the best method of delivery for content, audience expectation, weighting of elements and delivery.

This Week in Design: Dec. 19, 2014

This Week in Design / 19 Dec 2014

This Week in Design: Dec. 19, 2014

Are you in the holiday spirit yet? This week in design we are. From creative thinking during the holiday season to tools for a great photo book and even tips for hiring a designer, this week the theme is looking forward during this busy time. We’d also like to take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate our Design Shack readers. (And if there are things you’d like to see more of in the upcoming year, let us know.) Happy holidays.

Every week, we plan to a look at major product releases and upgrades, tools and tricks and even some of the most popular things you are talking about on social media. And we’d love to hear what’s going on in your world as well. Have we missed anything? Drop me a line at [email protected].

How to Make Stock Art Work in Your Design Projects

Software / 18 Dec 2014

How to Make Stock Art Work in Your Design Projects

Sometimes it’s hard to create just the right image, texture or illustration for a design project. It might be a result of resources or time, but there is an option – stock art. There are plenty of places where you can buy and download photos, textures, illustrations and user interface elements that can be used or adapted for your projects.

But how can you most effectively use stock art and ensure that you don’t end up using the same images as another company or website? Here we’ll look at some ways to help you choose the best stock images or vectors for your projects and a tool, GraphicStock, where you can find some great images.

This Week in Design: Dec. 12, 2014

This Week in Design / 12 Dec 2014

This Week in Design: Dec. 12, 2014

Color. It’s something that impacts every bit of design work you do. This week Pantone released its annual Color of the Year. (And this year’s rich hue is a nice one.) With the holiday season in full swing there are also a few design projects worth your attention to check out this week in design.

Every week, we plan to a look at major product releases and upgrades, tools and tricks and even some of the most popular things you are talking about on social media. And we’d love to hear what’s going on in your world as well. Have we missed anything? Drop me a line at [email protected].

Freelancing 101: What Does It Cost to Be a Freelancer?

Freelancing / 9 Dec 2014

Freelancing 101: What Does It Cost to Be a Freelancer?

Working as a freelancer is not all cash profit. There are a lot of costs that are associated with working for yourself that you need to be aware of from the start. From one-time expenses to taxes and insurance, understanding how much freelancing can cost can be just as important as landing clients.

Costs associated with freelancing that impact almost every worker (regardless of location) include equipment and tools, taxes and insurance, marketing and promotion, legal and accounting, training and development and a few additional hidden costs. Today we’re going to be exploring some of the costs to watch out for, so you don’t find yourself facing an unpleasant surprise!

This Week in Design: December 5, 2014

This Week in Design / 5 Dec 2014

This Week in Design: December 5, 2014

Design innovation sounds like a scary concept to some of us. And it can be. But design innovation is what drives us to create better things and tackle new experiences. That’s what we are thinking about this week in design – from innovation in thinking about designing for screens, to innovative workplaces, to creative thinking at a world-class restaurant.

Every week, we plan to a look at major product releases and upgrades, tools and tricks and even some of the most popular things you are talking about on social media. And we’d love to hear what’s going on in your world as well. Have we missed anything? Drop me a line at [email protected].

Freelancing 101: 10 Things People Forget to Tell You About Freelancing

Freelancing / 3 Dec 2014

Freelancing 101: 10 Things People Forget to Tell You About Freelancing

I have been freelancing for the last decade and there are plenty of days when the words “I quit” slipped through my lips. (Although I took it back pretty quickly.) Life as a freelancer isn’t just working from home and flexible schedules and being your own boss when things are easy. It is sticking with it when those things are tough too.

As a career choice, freelancing comes with plenty of ups and downs. It takes a certain personality to withstand those changes and find success. (Personally, I have found much more success the older I get; freelancing was no fun right out of college.) There’s a lot that I have learned along the way. Here are ten things people forget to tell you about freelancing!

How to Design a Brand Persona for Your Product

Business / 1 Dec 2014

How to Design a Brand Persona for Your Product

They’re on hundreds of websites, in advertisements, and fill the airwaves – fictional characters that help you relate to a brand or company. These personas are representations of the type of people who use products or services, and are designed to relate to potential users or buyers.

A persona is more than just a face in the design. It is a well-planned and thought-out part of the design process. Designers have to think about the persona during all aspects of a project so that the personality matches the brand and design. From copy and how the persona “talks” to color, typeface choices and other design elements, creating a persona can be an important part of design projects.